Choice of Game Modes

This mode focuses on the storyline, with additional Character conversation parts.
Learn more about the story of “TriggerHeart EXELICA”.

This is a high difficulty mode in which the number of enemy bullets is greatly increased and Continuation not allowed.
The method of calculating scores changes, so a different strategy is required than in arcade mode.

Nintendo Switch Version

It supports internet ranking exclusively for Nintendo Switch.
Compete with players around the world in three modes: Arcade Mode, Story Mode, and Arrange Mode!

This mode allows you to practice each stage.
In addition to changes in settings such as difficulty and number of remaining, a new training function for Arrange mode has been added.

You can switch to a Vertical screen similar to the arcade version in the options menu.

※Story Mode does not support vertical screen play
※The Nintendo Switch does not support vertical placement
※When using the Vartical screen function, please be careful not to tip over or drop the screen
